STEM Education in Myanmar
In our efforts to support the STEM education of underprivileged youths, Youth Society for Organization (YSE) is collaborating with the Fun and Learn Education Center to provide free afterschool STEM classes in local charity school(s). For this 2018 school year, YSE will be providing free training for students at ကံ့ေကာ္ေျမမွတြဲလက္မ်ား Charity School at North Dagon in Myanmar and support bright and motivated students to participate in 2018 Myanmar STEM Competition. **************************************************************************************************** Learn more about the Myanmar STEM Competition through the videos of the past 2017-18 nationwide competition held in the International School of Yangon. ( ***************************************************************************************************** If you want to learn more what YSE is, please visit our website, ***************************************************************************************************** တီထြင္စမ္းသစ္လိုသည့္ လူငယ္မ်ားပိုမို ေပၚထြန္းလာႏုိင္ဖို႔ ႏွင့္ ၂၀၁၈ နို၀င္ဘာတြင္ က်င္းပမည့္ Myanmar STEM Competition တြင္ အေျခခံေအာက္ေျခ မိသားစုမ်ားမွ ထူးခၽြန္ထက္ျမတ္သည့္ ေက်ာင္းသား/သူမ်ားပါ၀င္ယွဥ္ျပိဳင္ႏိုင္ရန္ Youth Society for Education မွ ကံ့ေကာ္ေျမတြဲလက္မ်ား ပညာေရးအေထာက္အကူျပဳအဖြဲ႔ ရွိေက်ာင္းသား/သူမ်ားအား ၂၀၁၈, ေမလ ၅ ရက္ေန ့မွစတင္ကာ အေတြ႔ႀကံဳရွိေသာ Fun and Learn Education Center မွ ဆရာ/ဆရာမ မ်ားႏွင့္STEM Education Lessons မ်ားကုိ ေလ့က်င့္သင္ၾကားေပးေနပါသည္။ ***************************************************************************************************** The International School of Yangon တြင္ က်င္းပခဲ့သည့္ Nationwide 2017-2018 STEM ၿပိဳင္ပြဲႀကီးအား ေအာက္ပါ FB page တြင္ ၀င္ေရာက္ေလ့လာနိုင္ပါတယ္။ ***************************************************************************************************** YSE အေၾကာင္းကို ေအာက္ပါ website တြင္ ဝင္ေရာက္ေလ့လာႏိုင္ပါတယ္။
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@Credit: ကံ့ေကာ္ေျမမွ တြဲလက္မ်ားပညာေရးအေထာက္ကူျပဳ အသင္း