We are youths from different countries and diverse backgrounds but united by the same goal of bringing the equal educational opportunities for EVERYONE in our society.

We believe that EVERYONE has the right to a QUALITY Education and reach their full potential in life. YSE’s mission is to provide school facilities, supplemental educational assistance programs, and school supplies to underprivileged students around the world and help them achieve a better future.

Our Founder/CEO Dr. Kyaw Tun Naing faced many challenges in coping his transition to the United States from Myanmar (Burma). He was overwhelmed by the dramatic changes in his education, yet he has indeed supported presumably the best education in Myanmar. His struggles and different background made him recognize the educational disparities in developing countries such as his native country, Myanmar. He came to realize the impact of quality education on one’s life and its power to change the future.
During his junior year in high school, Kyaw decided to start a tutoring program for immigrants in hopes of assisting the newcomers to get a culturally and academically easier transition than his own. He encouraged and showed his peers that they were not the only ones having hard times, and how they could help each other to become successful in their education. Three years later, his passion thrived to start an organization that will bring the equal educational opportunities to all students, including the underprivileged children living in remote areas of developing countries with no access to school.
At the age of 21, Kyaw took the very first step to his goal on September 28th, 2012 while he was still working at five different part-time jobs, taking major classes, and serving as the President of the Burmese Student Club in City College of San Francisco. He reached out to his friends in Myanmar to look for schools in need and donated $20.00 worth of school notebooks to a monastic school in Bago region. He then created a Facebook page, posted the pictures and invited all to join him in supporting the education back in his home country.
His donation pictures got attention in the Bay Area Burmese community very quickly. Shortly after, he started to get more people reaching out to him to donate or join the team, Youth Society for Education. Some people even decided to become monthly donors! Since then, YSE has grown as more and more students who share the same passion to promote the quality education have joined the team.
Step by step, YSE admin team, applied for the tax-exemptions and NPO status. In the mid of 2013, Youth Society for Education was approved by the Secretary of State, CA, and on May 13th, 2014, YSE received the 501 (c) (3) NPO status (EIN: 36-4756905). We have opened up branches in Daly City, Yangon (Myanmar), and Pennsylvania. Our aim is to globally expand YSE network to efficiently cater educational opportunities to as many youths as we can because those 57 million children with poor/no access to education on our earth surely deserve a better future. We believe that every little help does matter and Make a Difference!
Now, meet our team members in
California Branch
Pennsylvania Branch (Profile is coming soon!)
YSE Founder & CEO, Dr. Kyaw Tun Naing, and the very first donation YSE received.