YSE Officer Teams
Program Directors I Web Development I Daly City Branch I Los Angeles Branch I Pennsylvania Branch I Interns I Former Officers
Yangon Branch

Su Sandar Nwe
Dagon University (Class of 2010), MHR-Business Management (Class of 2010)
Favorite Quote:
"Just do it"
Su wants to give a hand to those who need help.

Paing Khant Naing
Vice President
Yangon Technological University, Undergraduate, Class of 2022 (Computer Engineering and Information Technology)
Favorite Quote:
“Don’t Die Before Your Death.”
Paing is enthusiastic, curious, consistent and proactive. He has a proven record of being deeply dedicated to all his tasks, always staying hungry for knowledge and opportunities, and can be clearly seen that his passion comes from deep within. Coming from a rather remote region of Myanmar, he has proved to be highly resourceful among his peers, naturally warm and friendly.

Thin Nu Nu
Managing Director
National Management Degree College, Final Year (Tourism Management)
Favorite Quote:
"Education is the movement from Darkness to Light".
Thin is an outspoken and flexible, ambitious and workaholic but down to earth person. She is curious and energetic to learn new things all the time. She is very fond of teamwork, experiencing a new environment and diverse culture, and ardent to travel to many places. On top of that, she enjoys participating in social activities and interested to participate in forums and programs. She is a former delegate of Spark Conference 2018 (Thailand) and also a former team leader of IGV (AIESE in NMDC). She is currently volunteering in Rotary Club of Central Yangon. She is also an amateur in digital marketing knowledge and love to speak Japanese.

B.A (Myanmar), Diploma in Management Accounting (LCCI-Level 3)
Favorite Quote:
"Works help you forget about your pain. Train your mind to see the good in every situation."
Thinzar wants to be a part of the YSE organization which helps people in need.
Thinzar Aung

Cho Zin Than
Community Outreach Project Director
University of Yangon, Third Year Honors (International Relations)
Favorite Quote:
"Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."
Cho is one of the generation Z university students who's working towards finding a balance in her academic studies and assistance for community empowerment. Through her role in this YSE organization, she wishes to reach an extensive hand to the underprivileged children in the community by fulfilling their educational needs.

Myanmar Maritime University, Bachelor of Engineering (Marine Mechanical)
Level 9 of The Language Company Intensive English Program at TLC-Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.
English for Advocates Course from the Institute for Political and Civil Engagement (iPACE) U.S. Embassy's American Center, YGN
Leadership for Change Course from the Institute for Political and Civil Engagement (iPACE) U.S. Embassy's American Center, YGN
Foundations for Community Development from the Institute for Political and Civil Engagement (iPACE) U.S. Embassy's American Center, YGN
Strategic Planning for Change Course from the Institute for Political and Civil Engagement (iPACE) U.S. Embassy's American Center, YGN
Communications for Civil Society Course from the Institute for Political and Civil Engagement (iPACE) U.S. Embassy's American Center, YGN
Favorite Quote:
"The only that's changed is everything."
Aung is an avid reader and a tech enthusiast. He translated hundreds of English news articles for Democracy Today Newspaper.
Aung Khaing Tun
Event Manager and Public Relations Officer

Hnin Ei San
Fundraising Project Manager
University of Information Technology, Second Year
Favorite Quote:
"You miss the 100 percent of the shots you never take."_Wayne Gretzky
Hnin aspires to help the community level up and makes some changes in her community with YSE. She will join hands with YSE to fulfill YSE's mission.

Yangon Technological University, Second Year (Electronic Engineering)
Favorite Quote:
"Great things never come from the comfort zone."
Okkar is highly motivated and strongly enthusiastic to acquire new personal and professional skills. He is also a Youth Leader who has a strong passion to make an impact on society and currently in charge of Presentation and Public Speaking Club at his university. He volunteers at AIESEC in Myanmar as an organizing member for hosting events like Youth Speak Forum and Global Village and provides logistics service for AIESEC National Conferences.
Okkar Aung
Content Creator

Nang May Thu Aung
Content Creator
Bachelor of Law, Diploma of Peace Leadership and Research Institute
Favorite Quote:
"Education, the combination of education and action is essential for nurturing our natural abilities and talents to contribute the community effectively.

International School of Bremen (Class of 2020), International Baccalaureate
Favorite Quote:
“Today is the oldest you have ever been and the youngest you will ever be again.”
Aye is an independent enthusiast seeking opportunities to contribute in developing the community while gaining experiences. She is an individual who believes in finding logical solutions behind every problem. Not only her deep passion has brought her to either initiate or participate in various projects, she also is a true fun-lover and a wanderlust."
Aye Thet Khine
Content Creator

Zin Wai Yan Lin
Content Creator
University of Medicine 2, Yangon. Class of 2020
Favorite Quote:
"Don't stop until you're proud."
Zin is a hardworking medical student and one of the contributors from Hello Sayarwon, Myanmar's leading healthcare digital platform. He is ambitious and good-natured.

Third Year Honours (International Relations), University of Yangon
Favorite Quote:
"Don't worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don't even try." _ Jack Canfield
Phyo is originally from Taunggyi, Southern Shan State. Doing philanthropy, giving helping hands to those in need, traveling, socializing, sharing knowledge play an integral part in her hobbies and passion. Her ultimate ambition is to be a virtuous diplomat as she does agree with what Donald Trump has stated, “No dream is too big. No challenge is too great. Nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach.”
Phyo Thiri Lwin
Human Resources Manager

Hnin Su Phyu
Human Resources Manager
Yangon University of Economics, Final Year Honors (Statistics)
Favorite Quote:
"Learn from failure and mistakes! They don't define you but undoubtedly, the way you learn from them does."
Hnin participated as a delegate in 2017 S Rajaratnam Endowment Youth Model ASEAN Conference. She is an alumnus of IDFC 2018 and a committee member for IDFC 2019. She was also a candidate for AICHR youth debate on human rights 2018. She is willing to put all her effort to help the children to get a quality education they deserve.

B.A (International Relations), University of Yangon
Diploma in Superior Abhidhamma (English), University of Abhidhamma
Favorite Quote:
"Little by little, a little becomes a lot."
Twel Tar has graduated from the University of Yangon majoring in International Relations in 2018. She has also involved in so many volunteering activities during her university days as she likes to contribute to the community. She is currently serving as an intern at MRTI to get working experiences and also working as a freelance English teacher for young learners and to contribute and share her knowledge and experience to the children. She believes in woman power and loves to do artworks like drawing.
Twel Tar Lamin Aung
Human Resources Officer

Kyi Phyu Thitsar
Human Resources Officer
Master Degree (First Year), International Relations, University of Yangon
Favorite Quote:
“Never let your fears prevent you from doing what you know is right”
Kyi is a Master Degree student studying International Relations at the University of Yangon. Throughout the academic years, she has faced challenges and also learned lessons from the failures. She likes to learn new languages and also endeavors to create a better community. One of her greatest achievement is winning the scholarship from Sumitomo Mitsuri Banking Corporation. She also participated in the research program coordinated by Australian National University. She has joined YSE as HR Officer in February 2019 in order to promote opportunities to youth. The opportunity to work in YSE inspires her to communicate with people from different fields and gives her the experience to learn working procedures and frameworks. She would like to learn new knowledge from the curriculum and extra-curriculum activities for future career development.